2024 AIPPI World Congress in Hangzhou

19-22 October 2024

In-person Congress in Hangzhou.

Join IP experts from around the world at the 2024 AIPPI World Congress on 19-22 October 2024 in Hangzhou — a mesmerising city embodying China’s unique culture. We will be coming together in person to take part in the making of AIPPI’s 2024 Resolutions. More details about the professional development programme and networking events will be shared in the upcoming months.

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For the next AIPPI World Congresses we’ll be gathering in Yokohama (13-16 September 2025), Hamburg (7-10 October 2026) and Dubai (October 2027).

Study Questions 2023-2024

  • Patents: Disclosure of prior art
  • Trade Marks: Composite Trade Marks
  • Copyright: Parody
  • General: Unjustified allegations

More information about the activities dedicated to the Resolutions at the Congress can be found below.

About the AIPPI World Congress


The annual AIPPI World Congress, held in September or October, is the one moment in the year when members from all around the world come together to discuss hot topics in Intellectual Property. Usually, up to 2000 members attend with accompanying persons.

Each Congress comprises four main components:

  • The substantive legal work or harmonisation programme with the making of AIPPI’s Resolutions
  • The professional development component
  • The management of the association
  • The networking opportunities

The Congress schedule follows the same general structure from year to year with small novelties every year.


The Reporter General team is responsible for handling the Study Question process.

The work done at the Congress relies on a considerable effort put in by dedicated members in each of the National Groups to describe their country’s position on the topic under review and propose harmonisation avenues. The draft harmonisation Resolutions are analysed, discussed and formulated live by the representatives. The Reporter General ensures that harmonisation Resolutions are voted upon by the ExCo at the conclusion of the Congress. You can read more about the Resolution process here.

Plenary Sessions

Plenary Sessions are where the Resolutions are discussed and further amended if necessary. There is one plenary for each question and the outcome of these sessions are Approval or Dismissal of a Resolution for harmonisation on each topic under study. Everyone is invited to attend the Plenary Sessions and may comment while the official delegates of each Group may vote on the Resolutions.

The Executive Committee, during the ExCo II session, will adopt the Resolutions.

After the Congress

When the Congress is over and everyone has safely travelled home, back to their practice, the National and Regional Groups continue the work of AIPPI locally. The Resolutions voted upon by the Executive Committee are communicated to law-making bodies and IP-related activities, and are organised locally. National and Regional Groups also propose timely issues for the next Study Questions, topics of the professional development programme and nominations for the Committees. The Study Guidelines for the next Congress’ Study Questions go out before Christmas and members kick off the year working on the preparation of the national response to the questionnaires.

Panel Sessions

An important component of the Congress is the professional development opportunities. The Standing Committees and the Programme Committee work each year with the Reporter General team to identify timely topics of interest and select thought leader speakers which have an in-depth knowledge of the issues at play. Every year, panel sessions dedicated to pharma are organised. The Panel Sessions are well attended and lively affairs.


AIPPI Cafés are small roundtable sessions happening at the same time to talk about a wide range of IP topics over a cup of coffee. Each table is led by one of AIPPI’s Committees. They are open to all attendees on a first-come, first-served basis.

Association Meetings

A few meetings serve to carry out the business of the association.

Sessions 1 and 2 of the Executive Committee meetings deal with elections, awards, budget, reports from the different bodies of the association, discussions with the Groups and, as per the harmonisation programme, adoption of Resolutions. Every attendee is encouraged to attend as an observer. Please note, however, that only delegates nominated by their Groups may vote.

A General Assembly is held when amendments to the Statutes and Regulations of AIPPI are needed.


Apart from the normal informal networking opportunities, special-interest meetings, such as the Women in AIPPI get-together and the Young AIPPI member Forum are also great occasions to meet new acquaintances.

Every year, a Cultural Evening is organised to enable guests to get a glimpse of the host city and its culture.

We always celebrate the end of each Congress with a Gala Dinner held in a magnificent venue. Participants come to this evening to enjoy an excellent dinner with their colleagues and friends from around the world and dance the night away.

AIPPI World Congress News Archive

2023 Istanbul

Click here for the first edition of the Congress News.

Click here for the second edition of the Congress News.

Click here for the third edition of the Congress News.

Click here to find the 2023 AIPPI World Congress pictures.

2022 San Francisco

Click on any newspaper image to see the PDF document in full.